How to Generate Leads and ROI in the Construction Industry in 2021- Feb 17th Webinar
Do you work in the construction industry? Do you know the best way to leverage digital marketing to generate leads? Do you know how to set marketing goals beyond revenue and leads? If you want to learn about best practices for digital marketing in the construction industry, join us for a [...]
B2B IN REAL LIFE – Episode 3: Clifton Alexander, Owner, Reactor Design Studio
In Episode 3 of our video series B2B IN REAL LIFE: Stories From the Front Lines, we spoke with Clifton Alexander, owner of Reactor Design Studio. REACTOR is a creative studio that generates EPIC brands through the fusion of strategy and design. EPIC brands Engage People In Conversation, activating brand champions and igniting positive dialogue that [...]
B2B IN REAL LIFE – Episode 2: Jeff Weiner, Co-Founder and CEO, realquantum
In Episode 2 of our video series B2B IN REAL LIFE: Stories From the Front Lines, we spoke with Jeff Weiner, co-founder and CEO of realquantum. realquantum is the only commercial real estate property database and appraisal report writing software that can increase individual and team productivity up to 50% within [...]
B2B IN REAL LIFE – Episode 1: Eric Dunn, CEO, Coffman Group
In episode 1 of our video series B2B IN REAL LIFE: Stories From the Front Lines, we spoke with Eric Dunn, CEO of Coffman Group. Coffman Group partners with companies in Kansas City, Overland Park, and San Diego to grow revenue with results-driven training. In his interview, Eric talked about how [...]
How Blockchain Is Poised to Disrupt Digital Marketing
One of the biggest current buzzwords in the data security and cryptocurrency industries is blockchain, a recent technology that’s revolutionizing how transactions are tracked online. Instead of recording transaction data in a traditional database, blockchain decentralizes that data and ensures that no central authority can take complete control of any kind of [...]
5 Tips for a Successful Video Marketing Strategy
We’ve mentioned in earlier blog posts that video is now one of the best ways to engage customers online. With the increasing emphasis placed on video by the major online platforms (Facebook Live, Youtube livestreams, etc.) and the growing mainstream influence of livestream platforms like Twitch, modern consumers are using video [...]
6 Tips for How Your Company Can Successfully Leverage Social Media
Social media management has been one of the most important aspects of corporate digital marketing for more than a decade. Maintaining a consistent, relevant, and timely company presence on the major social media platforms is still one of the most effective ways to reach new audiences and reinforce existing customer relationships. Social [...]
How ZAG FIRST Leverages Marketing Expertise to Help Small and Mid-Sized Businesses Thrive
Although members of the ZAG FIRST digital marketing team have worked on projects with some of the biggest companies in the world, our goal is to help small and medium-sized businesses thrive. Many of us grew up in the world of small business, and we know first-hand that digital marketing can be [...]
How Digital Marketers Can Leverage Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have experienced various degrees of popularity and success since their earliest manifestations in the mid-20th century. In the post-Pokemon Go era, however, it is time to seriously rethink their role in popular culture, entertainment, and digital marketing. In an age of short attention spans and [...]